On May 2014, world largest democracy had given the mandate in the favor of BJP, Narendra Modi took the vow as an Prime Minister of India along with his cabinet ministers, ceremony was attended by various Chief ministers of India, including opposition leaders and celebrities. Media from all around the world was interested and talking about, what he will do after becoming PM of India. After very long gap India had an government with absolute majority and Modi was ready to take India to new heights. BJP completes its 2 years of governance in may 2016, Today Narendra Modi is India's most popular politician in the world, almost everyone recognizes him in the world. PM Narendra Modi stated the following things: 1. Minimum Government & Maximum Governance Modi government has reduced their cabinet minister by 35% as compared to UPA government, enormous amount of money is saved due to that. 2. Strong Message to Pakistan on 2003 ceasefire v...