Solar Powered Trains Transforming Indian Railways

Indian Railways plans to make around 50 solar powered coaches. This is a outstanding step for environmental point of view, a milestone for Indian railway.

Solar panels will be mounted on train's roof. This is a good way to harness solar energy in a Eco-friendly way, these solar panels can generate around 17-20 units of power in a day which can run lights and fans in the coaches. Right now, Indian railways plans to mount solar panels on non-ac coaches only.

Mr. Suresh Prabhu(Railways Minister) is giving importance to endorsement of solar power, he has announced plans to generate 1000MW solar power in next 5 years. Installation of solar panels near railway stations, railway offices, roof tops have already taken place across the country. Dependency on diesel will gradually decrease by opting for Eco-friendly sources of energy.

Solar powered trains will be able to reach remote locations(non-electrified tracks) in India. Diesel powered trains are run on these remote locations. Decline in use of diesel powered train will reduce railway's cost by massive margin.

Thousands of liters of diesel will be saved per day by using solar trains. CO2 emission will also be reduced due to that. Annual reduction of carbon emission is expected to be around 239 Tonnes. Around Rs 1,24,000 will be saved per year per coach.
First trails run for solar powered train will be conducted in Jodhpur(Rajasthan) for 3-4 days. Train routes will be decided after successful trails. Train will be run as a passenger train.

There is a chance of passenger's climbing on the roof top of train coaches and damage solar panels. Security concern of coaches should be taken under notice.

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