How to increase funds for startups

With constant efforts made by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi led BJP Government in startups and entrepreneurship through 'Make In India' campaign across the India, we are witnessing great boom in the startup ecosystem, entrepreneurship is rising in India with a constant growth.

Every startup faces obstacles during the initial startup time, like Market problems, Business Model Failure, Poor Management Team, Limitation of finance. Hence, Good strategies should be made before facing those obstacles. With good strategy you can come out as a winner.

There are various Government policies which can create obstacles for startups. Hence, understanding dynamics of markets and government policies is very essential. The main focus for any startup should be raising the funds for their startups. 

Raise in funds is the most important aspects for any startups.

funds for startups comes from the following:

1. Angle Investors 

Angle Investors are usually are family members, friend, they provide small initial funding for startups.

Most of the successful startups had financial support from angel investors. Once you startups starts accelerating, multiple investors will start getting interested in your business.

2. Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists usually invests in a startup when it has lifted up from the initial stage.
If venture capitalists are convinced with the business model of your business, and they steady growth in your business. They can invest huge amount of money in your business.

Venture Capitalists have vast knowledge of industries, they mostly invest in small business with expectations of high returns.

3. Incubators & Accelerators

For startups, incubators & accelerators provide great ways to grow their businesses.
Incubators & Accelerators assist hundreds of startup businesses, giving a platform to make good connections with mentors, investors and other fellow startups. Incubators nurture the business, providing shelter tools and training and network to a business.

Incubators & Accelerators provide office space, networking opportunities, basics business services, professional services, strategic consulting, management coaching, branding, design.
4. Family & Friends

It is the most reliable and least troublesome source of financing. If friends and family can provide cash for startup. This source of financing allows freedom of operation.

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