Impact of Brexit On India

What is Brexit?

On June 23rd in the historic nationwide referendum, British Vote to Leave European Union. Britain will exit European Union Due to this. Brexit has send shock-waves through global markets.

After this referendum British Pound fell to the lowest level since 1985 and British Prime Minister Mr. David Cameron resigned due to this.

Why Brexit?

People of Britain has been given power of decision making of their country. 

Britain trade route is bounded with European Law, due to Brexit British have to negotiate the terms and conditions of the trade with other countries.

Impact of Brexit

Due to Brexit other EU countries worry that foreign companies will be less likely to invest there. Britain might goes through recession in near future, which will lead to decline in their global growth rate.

Other European countries may also choose to exit from European Union, this will do more damage to EU.

Brexit will hit Indian Businesses, UK has been convenient place for Indian Businessmen to do a business, being able to do business in Britain also provide access to the other European countries. After Brexit this window will be narrowed down for Indian Businessmen.

Impact on startups

Funding to the startups in India might get downturn after Brexit.

India exports variety products to European countries through Britain, India's Export quantity to European Market will get affected after Brexit.

Inflation is being pushed due to high food prices. Consumer Price Index has also moved up 5.76%, wholesale price Index has also raised by 0.8%. Eatables will be going to cost more.

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