Inspiring Movies Which an Entrepreneur Must Watch

As an entrepreneur, you are busy all the day, you put lots of efforts for the growth of your business, meeting with clients, promoting your brand. Sometime your work pressure gets so much that you need a break from it.

Which is the best way to feel relax?

Watching movie is one of the best way to relax. 

Now, questions arise, how will watching movies helps you?

  • Movies are best sources of entertainment.
  • It expands your imagination power.
  • You have lot of fun while watching a good movie.
  • It distracts you from worries that going in your mind related to your work.
  • Inspirational movies inspires young entrepreneurs.
  • Lots of inspirational movies are based on real life stories. These movies tell tale about successful businessmen, who are now an icon for every entrepreneur.
  • You will get to know how much efforts these successful people have put into their business on initial stage of their business to reach this position.
  • Life stories of successful businessmen presented by a director in a motion picture are inspirational. This changes the way you look to the world and the way you approach it.

1. The Social Network (2010)

  • On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea.
  • In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication.

2. Pirates of silicon valley (1999)

  • It is an enlightening depiction of the evolution of a true phenomenon, the age of PC.
  • The movie draws out the historical development of these two large computer companies.
  • The pirates of Silicon Valley is about the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

3. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

  • The movie tell the story of a stockbroker who does everything to delve deeply in his career , and run behind his dreams and becomes rich.
  • The true story of Jordan Belfort, a stock tycoon who made millions by conning people.
  • Main lead(Leonardo) portrait of Jordan Belfort so good, that you will find yourself rooting for him, even though you know he is the one who is wrong.

 Some famous lines of : The Wolf of Wall Street:

"You can watch me, mock me, try to block me, But you cannot stop me."  

"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it."

4. (2001)

A documentary film which examines the present concerned state of the internet revolution, in which inflated ideas are dreams of instant wealth have been supplanted by unkind economic realities and broken promises.

5. Nightcrawlers

  • Nightcrawler is one such movie, which every entrepreneur with great vision should watch it.
  • Nightcrawler is a story of a struggling guy who was looking for a job, but he couldn’t get one. The guy found a window of job opportunity when he saw a live crime journalism, and he started doing the same for the living.
  • As an entrepreneur you will learn how one can do anything without much background, how art of persuasion and negotiation can take you to the place. How focusing on your positives, and improving on them will make you limitless. 

Some famous line of: Nightcrawlers:

"I will never ask you to do anything that I wouldn't do myself."

"I am a hard worker. I set high goals, and I've been told that I'm persistent"

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